People are bad at lots of things. Safety included. Priorities get crooked, and mostly folks just plain aren't educated in how to stay alive. Climbing is a shining example of the "safety third" mentality. The moral of the story is to get out there and find someone who can tell you how to do it all without getting hurt hurt or dying. Also, even if you've done it a thousand times, be careful. A fraction of a second of distraction is all too often fatal. Look at the big picture, and listen to your gut. If it looks icky, it's wrong.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2013: The Jankety Continues

Jankety-Ass Anchors are back!  Not only is it cold out there, but it's full of sketchy climbers. Bundle up and be careful.  On a very serious note, a lot of climbing accidents occurred this year. A lot of loved ones left before their friends and families, long before their time. Some accidents could have been prevented, while others were cruel flukes, and not due to any error. The places we play are dangerous, and require our full attention. Please take good care of yourselves, climb safely, and look out for one another.

That said, on to the Jankety-Ass Anchors.

And you thought your half ropes were skinny. HA! How about top roping off of this? I'd ball-park it at 5 or 6 mil. cord. Very new, very shiny, very inexperienced. The cord, at least. This little set up was over not any old WI3 either, but a pretty tricky little mixed climb, with lots of falling to be expected. Think light thoughts.

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