People are bad at lots of things. Safety included. Priorities get crooked, and mostly folks just plain aren't educated in how to stay alive. Climbing is a shining example of the "safety third" mentality. The moral of the story is to get out there and find someone who can tell you how to do it all without getting hurt hurt or dying. Also, even if you've done it a thousand times, be careful. A fraction of a second of distraction is all too often fatal. Look at the big picture, and listen to your gut. If it looks icky, it's wrong.

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Juniper says, "pull my finger"

 Nothing there for scale, but that wee juniper isn't any bigger around than my wrist. 5" and alive (and well rooted) is my personal choice for single point anchors.

Redundant to non-redundant, and even the carabiners are tangled. Classic.


  1. Hey - just found your site and it's awesome!

    Keep those jankety ass anchors coming!
